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Gas natural fenosa

Likewise, Naturgy not only grants the option to view gas bills, but also to download them. Natural gas bills can be downloaded in PDF format from the app and the customer area, as long as electronic billing is activated.
Given the rise of online payment, Naturgy has also joined this trend and offers its customers the option of paying their natural gas bills quickly and easily through a device with an Internet connection.
Activating electronic billing confers advantages when it comes to receiving gas bills, such as the issuing time. With this option activated, the periodicity of the bills is monthly.
It should be noted that the activation of electronic billing is not binding, but it does exclude. Naturgy does not oblige you to activate this service, however, if you do so, you will not be able to receive paper invoices.
Although the format of the invoice does not alter its authenticity, if you prefer to stop receiving the invoice in electronic format and receive it on paper, you only have to access the customer area to cancel the online invoice: My office -> My invoices and consumptions -> Online invoice -> Cancel online invoice.


If you are a Naturgy customer, the names of the marketers will only appear on the electricity and gas bills or on the bank receipt. Depending on the tariff you have contracted (in the regulated market or in the free market) one or the other name will be reflected.
Until now, Gas Natural Fenosa has made different free telephone lines available to users depending on the type of query. In the following table we detail all the information related to the telephone numbers that Naturgy makes available to its customers:
The Private Customer Area is an online space from which the customer can perform different procedures, quickly and easily. It is considered one more channel of customer service since from there you can:
It is an online space intended for large customers (Naturgy includes within “Large customers” everything that is not a private customer, i.e. companies). From the Virtual Customer Office, the following procedures can be carried out:

Www gasnaturalfenosa es factura 2022

To obtain the 10% VAT reduction you must have a contracted power of less than 10 kW and that the average price of electricity in the market is higher than 45 €/MWh. This measure will apply until March 2022.
Naturgy also offers its customers the option of receiving their electricity or gas bills by conventional mail. The main disadvantage of this system is that you have to store the bills at home.
To contract a Naturgy tariff it is mandatory to have the direct debit payment system. If for any reason the payment of the bill is rejected, Naturgy offers you other payment methods.
If you want to pay your Naturgy bill by phone, you should call 900 100 251. You only need to have the holder’s data and the credit or debit card to proceed with the payment of the bill.
The online payment system is done through the online banking of La Caixa, although it is not necessary to belong to this entity to pay the amount. To do so, you need to have the following data at hand, which can be found on the bill.

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To obtain the 10% VAT reduction you must have a contracted power of less than 10 kW and that the average price of electricity in the market is higher than 45 €/MWh. This measure will apply until March 2022.
Naturgy also offers its customers the option of receiving their electricity or gas bills by conventional mail. The main disadvantage of this system is that you have to store the bills at home.
To contract a Naturgy tariff it is mandatory to have the direct debit payment system. If for any reason the payment of the bill is rejected, Naturgy offers you other payment methods.
If you want to pay your Naturgy bill by phone, you should call 900 100 251. You only need to have the holder’s data and the credit or debit card to proceed with the payment of the bill.
The online payment system is done through the online banking of La Caixa, although it is not necessary to belong to this entity to pay the amount. To do so, you need to have the following data at hand, which can be found on the bill.