Que es el cups endesa

Que es el cups endesa online

All those customers whose electricity distributor is E-Distribución, formerly Endesa Distribución, will have Endesa’s CUPS. Find out here how to request it, where to consult it and when it will be requested by your distributor.
Endesa’s Universal Supply Point Code (CUPS) is an alphanumeric code made up of between 20 and 22 digits that identifies a specific supply point. All customers whose distributor is E-Distribución (formerly Endesa Distribución) will have an Endesa CUPS.
The Endesa CUPS can be consulted on each and every electricity bill. It usually appears in the ‘Contract details’ section or similar, together with the rest of the information of the supply point.
In the event that the customer does not have an electricity bill, the Endesa CUPS code can be consulted by contacting the E-Distribution telephone number. In order to provide the information requested, the user will have to provide:
To see the CUPS on the Endesa bill, the customer will have to go to the second page of the bill and in the ‘Contract details’ section they will find this information. The CUPS will appear below the contracted tariff and power. In addition, right next to it, the user will find the name of the electricity distributor.

Que es el cups endesa del momento

All those customers whose electricity distributor is E-Distribución, formerly Endesa Distribución, will have Endesa’s CUPS. Find out here how to request it, where to consult it and when it will be requested by your distributor.
Endesa’s Universal Supply Point Code (CUPS) is an alphanumeric code made up of between 20 and 22 digits that identifies a specific supply point. All customers whose distributor is E-Distribución (formerly Endesa Distribución) will have an Endesa CUPS.
The Endesa CUPS can be consulted on each and every electricity bill. It usually appears in the ‘Contract details’ section or similar, together with the rest of the information of the supply point.
In the event that the customer does not have an electricity bill, the Endesa CUPS code can be consulted by contacting the E-Distribution telephone number. In order to provide the information requested, the user will have to provide:
To see the CUPS on the Endesa bill, the customer will have to go to the second page of the bill and in the ‘Contract details’ section they will find this information. The CUPS will appear below the contracted tariff and power. In addition, right next to it, the user will find the name of the electricity distributor.


Es importante que sepas dónde encontrarlo, ya que te lo pedirán para conectarte a la electricidad, cambiar de suministrador de electricidad o gas o modificar la capacidad de tu servicio.  Lo encontrarás en cualquiera de tus facturas de electricidad o gas junto al nombre del titular de la cuenta.
Por así decirlo, es como el número de identificación de la vivienda donde se va a realizar o se ha realizado la instalación. Es un código único, permanente e invariable: no cambia, aunque cambies de tarifa o te cambies de proveedor.

Enel endesa

All those customers whose electricity distributor is E-Distribución, formerly Endesa Distribución, will have the Endesa CUPS. Find out here how to request it, where to consult it and when it will be requested by your distributor.
Endesa’s Universal Supply Point Code (CUPS) is an alphanumeric code made up of between 20 and 22 digits that identifies a specific supply point. All customers whose distributor is E-Distribución (formerly Endesa Distribución) will have an Endesa CUPS.
The Endesa CUPS can be consulted on each and every electricity bill. It usually appears in the ‘Contract details’ section or similar, together with the rest of the information of the supply point.
In the event that the customer does not have an electricity bill, the Endesa CUPS code can be consulted by contacting the E-Distribution telephone number. In order to provide the information requested, the user will have to provide:
To see the CUPS on the Endesa bill, the customer will have to go to the second page of the bill and in the ‘Contract details’ section they will find this information. The CUPS will appear below the contracted tariff and power. In addition, right next to it, the user will find the name of the electricity distributor.